South Valley Board Member responsibilities:
The purpose of the South Valley Church Board is to provide prayerful advice and counsel to help the Lead Pastor. They should be a sounding board for the congregation but also a buffer for the Lead Pastor. The church board’s primary purpose is to represent God and then to represent the pastor to the congregation. They should not only feel the burden of the business affairs of the church but also the spiritual life as well. Their attendance and participation in all the main activities of the Church are essential.
Board members are expected to express themselves prayerfully in board meetings and as much as possible seek to arrive at a unanimous decision on any given issue. However, if a simple majority clears the matter, those in opposition will be expected to accept the decision and enthusiastically support everything that is decided by the majority.
The Board Members will act as the Church finance committee. They will be fully responsible for raising the Church budget, for retiring the Church debt, for making all decisions pertaining to all staff salaries, church policy, allowances, retirement plans, or other financial obligations involving the assembly. With the Lead Pastor, they shall act as the Corporate Committee in all affairs of business of the local body. Accordingly, they will be responsible for the maintenance and remodeling of all real property of the assembly, exclusive of routine janitorial duties.
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